
Project info
Get "The Craft"
Bug reports

Project info

"The Craft" is a clone of the famous game StarCraft for Windows by Bl*zzard. It uses SDL to be OS independent. Our aim is to provide an extremely customizable multiplayer game. Everybody will be able to invent new races, new terrains and most of the other components.

Development status: (still) pre-alpha

Get "The Craft"


Downlaod latest linux release: [20040318]
Download latest windows release: [20030504]
Downlaod latest multimedia files: [20040318]

From CVS

A more up to date way to get "The Craft" is via CVS. These sources may have more features implemented then any release but to use them is always a risk since they may contain bugs. In most cases, however, these bugs will be fixed very soon because it's our aim to almost always provide working sources in the CVS.

To download the sources from CVS you have to do a so called checkout using the following set of commands: (If you are prompted for a password simply hit Enter.)

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/craft login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/craft co game

Important: In addition to the sources you will have to download the multimedia files since they are not provided through the CVS!

You can also browse our CVS repository.


If you need support for using "The Craft", we recommend to submit a support request. Please provide always information about what version of "The Craft" you are using and describe your problem as detailled as possible.

Bug reports

Have you encountered a bug? If you are using the sources from CVS please stand by and try to checkout the sources later on another time. Maybe we will have fixed the bug then.
Otherwise, visit our Bug Tracker and check if somebody else has already encountered the bug, too, and has already submitted a Bug Report. If not, please submit a new bug report and provide the following information: the hardware the bug occured on (processor, graphics card), the used software (linux: the version of your kernel, the x server and sdl) and the messages "The Craft" has printed to the terminal. Include also all necessary steps to reproduce the bug (if possible). The more information you provide the better we can help!


Our SourceForge project site
SDL Library - The library we use for displaying the graphics, to poll events, ...
AgainstTCPA - Campaign that's worth to be supported